GP-477 Published Papers: 4
1 Banerjee A, Sharma A, Kamble P, Garg P. Prediction of Mtb cell wall permeability using Machine Learning Methods. Molecular Diversity 2024, 28: 2317-2329.
2 Rajesh K, Sharma A, Garg P. Diagnosing Respiratory Variability: Convolutional Neural Networks for Chest X-Ray Classification Across Diverse Pulmonary Conditions. Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine 2024, DOI:10.1007/.
3 Shankar G, Kumar P, Rai S, Ghosh A, Varma T, Wani MA, Kumar S, Mandloi U, Singh GK, Garg P, Kulkarni O, Srikrishna S, Kumar S, Modi G. Discovery of novel hybrid tryptamine-rivastigmine molecules as a potent AChE and BChE inhibitors exhibiting multifunctional properties for the management of Alzheimer’s disease. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2024, DOI:10.1002/ejoc.
4 Wankhade N, Sharma A, Wani MA, Banerjee A, Garg P. Predictive Modelling and Drug Repurposing for Type-II Diabetes. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2024, DOI:10.1021/acsmedchemlett.4c00358.