PI-650: Pharmacoinformatics - Database Management |
(1 credit) |
1. | Database Management: Data, database, database vs file oriented approach, database management system, types of databases, databases models, three-schema architecture, data independence, data dictionary, general architecture of a database management software, components of DBMS, derived databases, data mining, data warehouse, data lake. |
2. | Relational Database Design: Basic DBMS terminology, Entities, Attributes, Relationships, ER-Diagram, Dependencies, Normalization forms, data integrity. |
3. | SQL: Introduction to SQL, Fundamentals of SQL, SQL data types, types of statements, create and drop database. |
4. | Data Definition Language (DDL): creating tables, constraints, alter table, add and drop columns, create view, truncate table, rename table and column, drop table and view |
5. | Data Manipulation Language (DML): Inserting records, deleting records, modifying records, retrieving and manipulating data: where, order by, group by; operators: arithmetic, logical, comparison; SQL functions; aggregate functions: maximum, minimum, counting records, average, sum; joins: types of join, having clause; inline views, subqueries, wildcards, distinct. |
6. | Database Security and Privileges, GRANT Command, REVOKE Command, COMMIT and ROLLBACK, Backup and Recovery. |
7. | PHP Programming: Data types and variables, constants, operators, statements, strings, selections, loops, comments, functions, arrays. |
8. | Database Connectivity: Connect to mysql: create database and table, insert records, delete records, update records, retrieve data. |
9. | File Organization: Heap, Sequential, Indexing and Hashing. |
10. | System Development Life Cycle: System Analysis and Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, Maintenance, SDLC Models. |
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