PI-520: Pharmacoinformatics - C++ Programming (2 credits)
1.Introduction to C++: Problem Solving, Introduction to programming languages, C++ development environment, program structure and main function, header files.
2.Operators and data types: Input and output statements, comments, data types, variable declarations, dynamic initializations of variables, scope of variables, constants, operators and scope of operators, statements, block of codes.
3.Iteration: while loops, do-while loops, for loops, nesting of loops.
4.Selection: Switch statement, if-then-else statement, terminating a program.
5.Functions: Definition, declaration, prototypes, return type, arguments, inline functions, recursive functions, overloaded functions.
6.Arrays: Dimension, initialization, arrays as arguments to functions, strings: arrays of characters, string manipulation
7.Files: File stream objects, open and close files, input and output file streams, stream’s states, file member functions
8.Pointers: Defining pointer variables, pointers and arrays, pointers as arguments to functions, arithmetic and logical operations on pointers
9.Class: Objects, object-oriented design, data abstraction, class access specifiers, members, inline; static and friend functions, constructor and destructor, overloading constructor, inheritance and its types, order of invocation, virtual inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions, operator overloading, and exception handling
10.Data structures: Arrays, Stacks, Queues, List: Link List; Two-way lists; Circular link list; Insert; Delete; Searching and Sorting of data in List; Linked stack and queues; Graphs: Depth first search; Breadth first search, Trees: Binary Trees; Height balance Tree.