LS-510 General Laboratory Experience with Computer Lab. |
(3 credits) |
1. | Biostatistics (4) |
2. | ChemOffice (2) |
3. | Molecular Modelling (12) |
4. | C++ Programming (30) |
| List of programs |
. | Write a program to calculate the amount of CFC left after specific time by using half life of decay reaction. |
. | Write a program to construct a Fibonacci series by using first two value of series. |
. | Write a program to find the factorial of a number. |
. | Write a program to find out the prime number. |
. | Write a program to calculate the sum of n term of given series. |
. | Write a program to find the square roots of quadratic equation. |
. | Write a program to design a calculator that simulate the workings of a basic four operation. |
. | Write a program to find the factorial of a number by using the recursive function. |
. | Write a program to assign a value to variable using * pointer (dereferencing operator) and & (address operator). |
. | Write a program to swap value of two variable using functions and pointers. |
. | Write a program to appending and comparing two string. |
. | Write a program to find out length of string. |
. | Write a program to convert decimal number into hexadecimal or octal form. |
. | Write a program for addition of two matrices. |
. | Write a program for multiplication two of matrices. |
. | Write a program to find square root of number by using Newton Raphason methods. |
. | Write a program to generate distance matrixe for molecule using coordinates of it's atoms. |
. | Write a program to find the angle between three atoms using their Cartesian coordinates. |
. | Write a program to find the torsion angle using Cartesian coordinates of atoms. |
. | Write a program to find the RMSD of different structure of protein by using the information given in their PDB |
. | Write a program to calculate tanimoto coefficient from bitmap |
. | Write a program to calculate value of mathematical functions like tan, sin, cos etc. |
. | Write a program to arrange number in increasing and decreasing order. |
. | Write a program to calculate total no of residue, no. of same type of residue, no. of het atom, avg of beta factor by analysis of PDB file of protein. |
. | Write a program to extract coordinate of ligand from PDB of Co crystal protein-drug complex into a small file and convert it into a mol2 file. |
. | Calculate the RMSD of ligand take from PDB by using the coordinate before and after energy minimization. |
. | Write a program extracts the coordinate of final conformation ligand from Gaussian output file with energy. |
. | Write a program to calculate the molecular wt using smile notation of molecule. |
. | Write a program to to find out the linear equation between two variable, also calculate the coefficient of correlation, standard deviation and F-value. |
. | Write a program to calculate the wiener index of compound by using its mol2 file. |
. | Write a program to calculate charge on protein and generate file without hydrogen by using PDB of protein. |
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5. | Tableau (6) |