GE-510: Biostatistics |
(2 credits) |
1. | Statistics: Introduction, its role and uses. Collection; Organization; Graphics and pictorial representation of data; Measures of central tendencies and dispersion. Coefficient of variation, Measures of shape: skewness and kurtosis, Data normalization. |
2. | Probability: Basic concepts; Common probability distributions and probability distributions related to normal distribution, Bayesian analysis. |
3. | Sampling: Simple random and other sampling procedures. Distribution of sample mean and proportion. |
4. | Estimation and Hypothesis testing: Point and interval estimation including fiducial limits. Concepts of hypothesis testing and types of errors. Student- t and Chi square tests: Risk ratio, Odds ratio, Mantel Haenszel ratio. Sample size and power. |
5. | Experimental design and analysis of variance: Completely randomized, randomized blocks. Latin square and factorial designs. Post- hoc procedures. Repeated Measure Design. |
6. | Correlation and regression: Graphical presentation of two continuous variables; Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, its statistical significance. Multiple and partial correlations. Linear regression; Regression line, coefficient of determination, interval estimation and hypothesis testing for population slope. Introduction to multiple linear regression model. Probit and logit transformations. Concept of Dummy variable and Qualitative Regression models. |
7. | Non-parametric tests: Sign; Mann-Whitney U; Wilcoxon matched pair; Kruskal wallis and Friedman two way anova tests. Spearman rank correlation. Fisher exact test, Cochrane Q-test. |
8. | Statistical techniques in pharmaceutics: Experimental design in clinical trials; Parallel and crossover designs. Statistical test for bioequivalence. Dose response studies; Statistical quality control. |
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