Registration No.: PI/2004/VII/360/MP
Name: Shinde Ranajit Nivrutti
Connect at: Linkedin
M.S.(Pharm.) Thesis Title:
In-silico QSAR modelling of P-Glycoprotein Ligands
Conference/Poster/News/Proceedings: 1
Shinde R and Sobhia ME. Role of Alpha 7 Helix In The Binding Of PTP-1B Allosteric Inhibitors. Medicinal Chemistry Research 2010, 19: S121-S122.
Research: 6
Shinde RN, Kumar GS, Eqbal S, Sobhia ME. Screening and identification of potential PTP1B allosteric inhibitors using in silico and in vitro approaches. PLoS One 2018, 13: e0199020.
Shinde RN and Sobhia ME. Binding and discerning interactions of PTP1B allosteric inhibitors: novel insights from molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 2013, 45C: 98-110.
Shinde RN and Sobhia ME. Geometrical criteria for characterizing open and closed states of WPD-loop in PTP1B. Journal of Molecular Structure 2012, 1017: 79-83.
Shinde RN, Srikanth K and Sobhia ME. Insights into the permeability of drugs and drug-like molecules from MI-QSAR and HQSAR studies. Journal of Molecular Modeling 2012, 18: 947-962.
Sobhia ME, Shah A, Shinde R, Kare P, Hymavathi V and Chavan S. Induced fit binding of aldose reductase inhibitors to AKR1B10. Medicinal Chemistry Research 2012, 21: 1245-1252.
Kumar R, Shinde RN, Ajay D and Sobhia ME. Probing Interaction Requirements in PTP1B Inhibitors: A Comparative Molecular Dynamics Study. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2010, 50: 1147-1158.
Review: 2
Sobhia ME, Paul S, Shinde R, Potluri M, Gundam V, Kaur A and Haokip T. Protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors: a patent review (2002 - 2011). Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 2012, 22: 125-153.
Mohan CG, Gandhi T, Garg D, and Shinde R. Computer assisted methods in chemical toxicity prediction. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 2007, 7: 499-507.