Drug Information

Drug Name: Apomorphine (58-00-4)
PubChem ID: 6005
Therapeutic Category: Anti-Dyskinesia Agents, Antiparkinson Agents, Autonomic Agents, Central Nervous System Agents, Dopamine Agents, Dopamine Agonists, Emetics, Gastrointestinal Agents, Neurotransmitter Agents, Peripheral Nervous System Agents

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 267.328
LogP: 2.8499
Ring Count: 2
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 3
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 2
Total Polar Surface Area: 43.7

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference
Nitroglycerin (55-63-0) Hypotension Additive Apomorphine alone cause postural hypotension, and this is potentially additive with the effects of vasoactive antihypertensives and nitrates Cardiovascular safety of sublingual apomorphine in patients on stable doses of oral antihypertensive agents and nitrates

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference
Lesions Proto-oncogene protein c-fos (P01100) Repeated methyl levodopa administration on apomorphine sensitivity of rotational behavior and striatal Fos expression of rats with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions [ ADR Type 2 ] Effects of repeated methyl levodopa administration on apomorphine sensitivity of rotational behavior and striatal Fos expression of rats with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions
Rotational Behavior Proto-oncogene protein c-fos (P01100) Repeated methyl levodopa administration on apomorphine sensitivity of rotational behavior and striatal Fos expression of rats with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions [ ADR Type 2 ] Effects of repeated methyl levodopa administration on apomorphine sensitivity of rotational behavior and striatal Fos expression of rats with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database