Drug Information

Drug Name: Probenecid (57-66-9)
PubChem ID: 4911
Therapeutic Category: Adjuvants, Antirheumatic Agents, Gout Suppressants, Pharmaceutic Aids, Renal Agents, Uricosuric Agents

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 285.365
LogP: 2.1955
Ring Count: 1
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 3
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 1
Total Polar Surface Area: 74.68

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference
Cephalothin (153-61-7) Nephrotoxicity Antagonistic Probenecid inhibits the excretion of most cephalosporins by the kidney tubules by successfully competing for the excretory mechanisms. Thus the cephalosporin is retained in the body and its serum levels rise. The extent of the rise cannot always be fully accounted for by this mechanism alone and it is suggested that some change in tissue distribution may sometimes have a part to play. Probenecid: an unexplained effect on cephalosporin pharmacology
Cephaloridine (50-59-9) Nephrotoxicity Antagonistic Probenecid inhibits the excretion of most cephalosporins by the kidney tubules by successfully competing for the excretory mechanisms. Thus the cephalosporin is retained in the body and its serum levels rise. The extent of the rise cannot always be fully accounted for by this mechanism alone and it is suggested that some change in tissue distribution may sometimes have a part to play. Probenecid: an unexplained effect on cephalosporin pharmacology
Methotrexate (59-05-2) Pancytopenia Synergistic Probenecid inhibits the renal excretion of methotrexate Inhibition of renal tubular transport of methotrexate by probenecid
Ketorolac (66635-83-4) Disorder Gastrointestinal Antagonistic Probenecid is a known substrate for renal glucuronidation, and possibly competitively inhibits the renal glucuronidation of these NSAIDs Probenecid inhibits the glucuronidation of indomethacin and O-desmethylindomethacin in humans A pilot experiment
Pyrazinamide (98-96-4) Diminished Uricosuric Effects Of Probenecid Antagonistic pyrazinamide additionally decreases the metabolism of the probenecid and prolongs its uricosuric effects Studies of hyperuricemia produced by pyrazinamide

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference
Cytotoxicity Multidrug resistance-associated protein (P33527) probenecid inhibites the activity of MDR-associated protein (MRP)@ thus increases the Cytotoxicity of doxorubicin [ ADR Type 4 ] P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein mediate specific patterns of multidrug resistance in malignant glioma cell lines, but not in primary glioma cells

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source
Abdominal Discomfort MetaADEDB
Abdominal Pain SIDER
Abdominal Pain ADReCS
Abnormal Ecg MetaADEDB
Abnormal Gait MetaADEDB
Abscess Drainage MetaADEDB
Accelerated Hypertension MetaADEDB
Accident MetaADEDB
Accidental Overdose MetaADEDB
Acid Reflux MetaADEDB
Acidosis MetaADEDB
Activities Of Daily Living Impaired MetaADEDB
Acute Graft Versus Host Disease MetaADEDB
Acute Kidney Injury MetaADEDB
Acute Pulmonary Oedema MetaADEDB
Acute Respiratory Failure MetaADEDB
Adenocarcinoma MetaADEDB
Afib MetaADEDB
Aggression MetaADEDB
Agraphia MetaADEDB
Aids-Related Opportunistic Infections MetaADEDB
Albuminuria MetaADEDB
Alopecia ADReCS
Anaemia ADReCS
Anaphylactic Reaction ADReCS
Anaphylactic Shock ADReCS
Anastomotic Complication MetaADEDB
Anemia Hemolytic MetaADEDB
Anemia Hemolytic Autoimmune MetaADEDB
Angina MetaADEDB
Anhedonia MetaADEDB
Anorexia ADReCS
Anti-Ss-A Antibody Positive MetaADEDB
Anxiety MetaADEDB
Aortic Stenosis MetaADEDB
Aphonia MetaADEDB
Aplastic Anaemia ADReCS
Apoplexy MetaADEDB
Arrhythmia MetaADEDB
Arterial Pressure Nos Decreased MetaADEDB
Arteriosclerosis MetaADEDB
Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease MetaADEDB
Arteriovenous Fistula MetaADEDB
Arthritis Gouty MetaADEDB
Aspiration Pneumonia MetaADEDB
Asthenia MetaADEDB
Ataxia MetaADEDB
Atelectasis MetaADEDB
Atrioventricular Block First Degree MetaADEDB
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder MetaADEDB
Azotaemia MetaADEDB
Back Ache MetaADEDB
Bacterial Toxaemia MetaADEDB
Balance Disorder MetaADEDB
Basal Cell Carcinoma MetaADEDB
Bedridden MetaADEDB
Biliary Drainage MetaADEDB
Biopsy Vocal Cord MetaADEDB
Blood Albumin Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Calcium Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Chloride Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Creatinine Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Glucose Decreased MetaADEDB
Blood Lactate Dehydrogenase Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Potassium Increased MetaADEDB
Blood Pressure Abnormal MetaADEDB
Blood Urea Increased MetaADEDB
Body Temperature Increased ADReCS
Bone Marrow Toxicity MetaADEDB
Bone Pain MetaADEDB
Brain Natriuretic Peptide Increased MetaADEDB
Brain Stem Syndrome MetaADEDB
Bronchitis MetaADEDB
Bulging MetaADEDB
Bundle Branch Block Right MetaADEDB
Cachectic MetaADEDB
Calcinosis MetaADEDB
Calculus Urinary ADReCS
Candida Infection MetaADEDB
Candida Sepsis MetaADEDB
Cardiac Decompensation MetaADEDB
Cardiac Enlargement MetaADEDB
Cardiac Fibrillation MetaADEDB
Cardiac Ischemia MetaADEDB
Cardio-Respiratory Arrest MetaADEDB
Cardioactive Drug Level Increased MetaADEDB
Cardiomyopathy MetaADEDB
Carotid Artery Stenosis MetaADEDB
Carpal Tunnel MetaADEDB
Cartilage Development Disorder MetaADEDB
Catheter Placement MetaADEDB
Catheter Related Infection MetaADEDB
Cerebellar Syndrome MetaADEDB
Cerebral Atrophy MetaADEDB
Cerebral Ischaemia MetaADEDB
Chest Pain MetaADEDB
Chill MetaADEDB
Choking Sensation MetaADEDB
Cholecystectomies MetaADEDB
Cholecystitis Acute MetaADEDB
Chronic Kidney Disease MetaADEDB
Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease MetaADEDB
Clostridium Colitis MetaADEDB
Colitis MetaADEDB
Condition Aggravated MetaADEDB
Constipated MetaADEDB
Convulsion MetaADEDB
Coombs Direct Test Positive MetaADEDB
Coordination Abnormal MetaADEDB
Costovertebral Angle Tenderness ADReCS
Cough MetaADEDB
Csf Protein MetaADEDB
Cyst MetaADEDB
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis MetaADEDB
Deafness MetaADEDB
Death MetaADEDB
Decreased Activity MetaADEDB
Decreased Appetite ADReCS
Decubitus Ulcer MetaADEDB
Deep Vein Thromboses MetaADEDB
Deglutition Disorder MetaADEDB
Dehydration MetaADEDB
Demyelination MetaADEDB
Depressed Level Of Consciousness MetaADEDB
Dermatitis ADReCS
Device Related Infection MetaADEDB
Diabetes Mellitus Non-Insulin-Dependent MetaADEDB
Diabetic Neuropathy MetaADEDB
Dialysis MetaADEDB
Difficulty In Walking MetaADEDB
Diplopia MetaADEDB
Disease Models Animal MetaADEDB
Disorder Lung MetaADEDB
Disorder Renal MetaADEDB
Diverticulum Intestinal Haemorrhagic MetaADEDB
Dizziness ADReCS
Dizziness Exertional MetaADEDB
Drowning MetaADEDB
Drug Hypersensitivity MetaADEDB
Drug Toxicity MetaADEDB
Drug Withdrawal MetaADEDB
Dyspepsia MetaADEDB
Economic Problem MetaADEDB
Edema MetaADEDB
Edema Extremities MetaADEDB
Emotional Disorder MetaADEDB
Emphysema MetaADEDB
Endocarditis Bacterial MetaADEDB
Enuresis MetaADEDB
Eosinophilia MetaADEDB
Epididymitis MetaADEDB
Erectile Dysfunction MetaADEDB
Erosive Gastritis MetaADEDB
Erosive Oesophagitis MetaADEDB
Excess Potassium MetaADEDB
Faecal Occult Blood Positive MetaADEDB
Faeces Discoloured MetaADEDB
Fluid Overload MetaADEDB
Flushing ADReCS
Formication MetaADEDB
Gastric Disorder MetaADEDB
Gastric Hyperplasia MetaADEDB
Gastroduodenal Ulcer MetaADEDB
Gastroenteritis MetaADEDB
Gastroenteritis Viral MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Bleed MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Diseases MetaADEDB
Gastrointestinal Pain ADReCS
Gingival Pain ADReCS
Globulinuria MetaADEDB
Glomerulonephritis Membranous MetaADEDB
Glucose Urine MetaADEDB
Glycosuria MetaADEDB
Gonorrhea MetaADEDB
Gout MetaADEDB
Gouty Arthritis ADReCS
Gynaecomastia MetaADEDB
Haematochezia MetaADEDB
Haematuria ADReCS
Haemodialysis MetaADEDB
Haemolytic Anaemia ADReCS
Headache ADReCS
Heart Attack MetaADEDB
Hematuria MetaADEDB
Hepatic Necrosis ADReCS
Hepatitis Acute MetaADEDB
Hepatitis C MetaADEDB
Herpes Ophthalmic MetaADEDB
Herpes Zoster MetaADEDB
High Density Lipoprotein Decreased MetaADEDB
Hospitalisation MetaADEDB
Hypercholesterolemia MetaADEDB
Hypersensitivity ADReCS
Hyperuricemia MetaADEDB
Hypoalbuminemia MetaADEDB
Hypoproteinaemia MetaADEDB
Hyporeflexia MetaADEDB
Hypotension Orthostatic MetaADEDB
Hypotonia MetaADEDB
Hypovolaemia MetaADEDB
Hypoxia MetaADEDB
Immune Reconstitution Syndrome MetaADEDB
Impaired Work Ability MetaADEDB
Impingement Syndrome MetaADEDB
Increased Bronchial Secretion MetaADEDB
Infection Urinary Tract MetaADEDB
Inflammatory Bowel Disease MetaADEDB
Infusion Site Mobility Decreased MetaADEDB
Inner Ear Inflammation MetaADEDB
Intermittent Claudication MetaADEDB
Interstitial Nephritis MetaADEDB
Intestinal Obstruction MetaADEDB
Intestinal Stenosis MetaADEDB
Iris Adhesions MetaADEDB
Iritis MetaADEDB
Ischaemia MetaADEDB
Jc Virus Infection MetaADEDB
Kidney Diseases MetaADEDB
Kidney Failure MetaADEDB
Kidney Failure Chronic MetaADEDB
Kidney Tubular Necrosis Acute MetaADEDB
Knee Operation MetaADEDB
Leukopenia ADReCS
Limb Injury MetaADEDB
Lipase MetaADEDB
Loss Of Weight MetaADEDB
Lung Edema MetaADEDB
Lung Fibrosis MetaADEDB
Lung Infiltration MetaADEDB
Lyell MetaADEDB
Lymphocyte Count Decreased MetaADEDB
Malignant Hypertension MetaADEDB
Meningitis Bacterial MetaADEDB
Mental Disorder MetaADEDB
Middle Ear Effusion MetaADEDB
Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy MetaADEDB
Multiple Injuries MetaADEDB
Multiple System Atrophy MetaADEDB
Muscle Necrosis MetaADEDB
Mycosis Fungoides MetaADEDB
Nausea ADReCS
Necrosis ADReCS
Neoplasia MetaADEDB
Nephrotic Syndrome ADReCS
Nerve Degeneration MetaADEDB
Neumonia MetaADEDB
Non-Cardiac Chest Pain MetaADEDB
Nystagmus MetaADEDB
Oral Pruritus MetaADEDB
Pancreatitis MetaADEDB
Parkinson Disease MetaADEDB
Past-Pointing MetaADEDB
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease MetaADEDB
Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease MetaADEDB
Pharyngolaryngeal Pain MetaADEDB
Pleural Effusion MetaADEDB
Pneumonia Fungal MetaADEDB
Pneumonia Staphylococcal MetaADEDB
Pneumonia Viral MetaADEDB
Pollakiuria ADReCS
Polyp MetaADEDB
Post Procedural Complication MetaADEDB
Proteinuria MetaADEDB
Pruritus ADReCS
Pulmonary Congestion MetaADEDB
Pyrexia ADReCS
Qrs Axis Abnormal MetaADEDB
Red-Cell Aplasia Pure MetaADEDB
Renal Colic ADReCS
Renal Tubular Disorder MetaADEDB
Renal Tubular Necrosis MetaADEDB
Respiratory Failure MetaADEDB
Retinal Artery Thrombosis MetaADEDB
Retinal Bleeding MetaADEDB
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever MetaADEDB
Scar MetaADEDB
Skin Diseases MetaADEDB
Sleep Apnea MetaADEDB
Small Intestinal Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Soft Tissue Disorder MetaADEDB
Spinning Sensation MetaADEDB
Staphylococcal Bacteraemia MetaADEDB
Staphylococcal Infections MetaADEDB
Swollen Tongue MetaADEDB
Tenderness ADReCS
Throat Tightness MetaADEDB
Toe Amputation MetaADEDB
Tooth Extraction MetaADEDB
Tooth Fracture MetaADEDB
Tooth Loss MetaADEDB
Tumour Necrosis MetaADEDB
Ulcer MetaADEDB
Ulcer Haemorrhage MetaADEDB
Unresponsive To Stimuli MetaADEDB
Urosepsis MetaADEDB
Urticaria ADReCS
Vascular Dementia MetaADEDB
Visual Disturbance MetaADEDB
Vocal Cord Paralysis MetaADEDB
Vomiting ADReCS
Wound Infection Staphylococcal MetaADEDB

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database