Drug Name: | Propafenone (54063-53-5) |
PubChem ID: | 4932 |
Therapeutic Category: |
Molecular Weight (dalton) | : | 341.451 |
LogP | : | 3.2414 |
Ring Count | : | 2 |
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count | : | 4 |
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count | : | 2 |
Total Polar Surface Area | : | 58.56 |
This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references
Interacting drug | Toxicity | Interaction Type | Mechanism | Reference |
Ketoconazole (65277-42-1) | Seizure | Antagonistic | Ketoconazole inhibits the metabolism of the propafenone in effect, may have developed an overdose. Ketoconazole is an inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme CYP3A4, by which propafenone is metabolised to N-depropylpropafenone. Propafenone is also extensively metabolised by CYP2D6 to 5-hydroxypropafenone but it was suggested that if CYP2D6 activity is low, propafenone metabolism may be shifted to the CYP3A4 pathway increasing the possibility of an interaction with ketoconazole. Drugs that inhibit CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, such as ketoconazole, might lead to increased levels of propafenone | Convulsive seizures in a patient treated with propafenone and ketoconazole |
This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references
This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references
Food | Toxicity | Reference |
This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references
Metabolite | Toxicity | Place of Metabolism | Mechanism | Reference |
This panel provides information on drug category