Drug Name: | Chloroquine (54-05-7) |
PubChem ID: | 2719 |
Therapeutic Category: |
Molecular Weight (dalton) | : | 319.88 |
LogP | : | 4.8106 |
Ring Count | : | 2 |
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count | : | 3 |
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count | : | 1 |
Total Polar Surface Area | : | 28.16 |
This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references
Interacting drug | Toxicity | Interaction Type | Mechanism | Reference |
Metronidazole (443-48-1) | Acute Dystonia | Additive | Not fully understood | Chloroquine-induced acute dystonic reactions in the presence of metronidazole |
Proguanil (500-92-5) | Mouth Ulcers | Additive | Not Understood | Proguanil, chloroquine, and mouth ulcers |
Mefloquine (53230-10-7) | Convulsions | Antagonistic | Not fully understood | Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions of mefloquine and quinine |
Praziquantel (55268-74-1) | Reduced Pranziquantel Efficacy In Systemic Worm Infections Such As Schistosomiasis | Antagonistic | Not established | The effect of chloroquine on the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of praziquantel in rats and in humans |
This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references
Toxicity | Interacting Protein | Mechanism | Reference |
This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references
Food | Toxicity | Reference |
This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references
Metabolite | Toxicity | Place of Metabolism | Mechanism | Reference |
This panel provides information on drug category