Drug Name: | Phenylbutazone (50-33-9) |
PubChem ID: | 4781 |
Therapeutic Category: | Analgesics, Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Antirheumatic Agents, Peripheral Nervous System Agents, Sensory System Agents |
Molecular Weight (dalton) | : | 308.381 |
LogP | : | 3.7878 |
Ring Count | : | 2 |
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count | : | 2 |
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count | : | 0 |
Total Polar Surface Area | : | 40.62 |
This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references
Interacting drug | Toxicity | Interaction Type | Mechanism | Reference |
Acetylsalicylic acid (50-78-2) | Disorder Gastrointestinal | Antagonistic | Not understood | Suppression of salicylate-induced uricosuria by phenylbutazone |
Indomethacin (53-86-1) | Renal Impairment | Additive | The damaging effects of the NSAIDs on the gut appear to be additive | Exacerbation of phenylbutazone-related renal failure by indomethacin |
Methotrexate (59-05-2) | Bone Marrow Depression | Synergistic | The NSAIDs as a group inhibit the synthesis of the prostaglandins (PGE2) resulting in a fall in renal perfusion, which could lead to a rise in serum methotrexate levels | Drug interaction in psoriasis |
Methotrexate (59-05-2) | Septicaemia | Synergistic | The NSAIDs as a group inhibit the synthesis of the prostaglandins (PGE2) resulting in a fall in renal perfusion, which could lead to a rise in serum methotrexate levels | Drug interaction in psoriasis |
This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references
Toxicity | Interacting Protein | Mechanism | Reference |
This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references
Food | Toxicity | Reference |
This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references
Metabolite | Toxicity | Place of Metabolism | Mechanism | Reference |
This panel provides information on drug category