Drug Name: | Neurotensin (39379-15-2) |
PubChem ID: | 25078013 |
Therapeutic Category: |
Molecular Weight (dalton) | : | 1672.95 |
LogP | : | -3.8091 |
Ring Count | : | 2 |
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count | : | 21 |
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count | : | 21 |
Total Polar Surface Area | : | 673.69 |
This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references
Interacting drug | Toxicity | Interaction Type | Mechanism | Reference |
This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references
Toxicity | Interacting Protein | Mechanism | Reference |
Hypotensive | Renin (P00797) | NT produces part of its hypotensive effect in anesthetized rats by reducing the activity of the renin angiotensin system. [ ADR Type 1 ] | Partial blockade of neurotensin-induced hypotension in rats by nephrectomy captopril and saralasin Possible mechanisms |
This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references
Food | Toxicity | Reference |
This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references
Metabolite | Toxicity | Place of Metabolism | Mechanism | Reference |
This panel provides information on drug category
Toxicity | Source |