Drug Information

Drug Name: Thiabendazole (148-79-8)
PubChem ID: 5430
Therapeutic Category:

Computed Drug Properties

Molecular Weight (dalton): 201.254
LogP: 2.6864
Ring Count: 3
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 3
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 1
Total Polar Surface Area: 41.57

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source
Abdominal Pain ADReCS
Abnormal Sensation In Eye ADReCS
Anaphylactic Reaction ADReCS
Anaphylactic Shock ADReCS
Angioedema ADReCS
Anorectal Disorder ADReCS
Anorexia ADReCS
Arsenic Poisoning MetaADEDB
Ascariasis ADReCS
Asthenia ADReCS
Blindness ADReCS
Chills ADReCS
Cholestasis ADReCS
Cholestasis Intrahepatic MetaADEDB
Chromoblastomycosis MetaADEDB
Circulatory Collapse ADReCS
Confusional State ADReCS
Conjunctival Hyperaemia ADReCS
Convulsion ADReCS
Coordination Abnormal ADReCS
Crystal Urine ADReCS
Crystalluria ADReCS
Cytolytic Hepatitis ADReCS
Decreased Appetite ADReCS
Depression ADReCS
Dermatitis ADReCS
Diarrhoea ADReCS
Dizziness ADReCS
Drowsiness SIDER
Drug Hypersensitivity MetaADEDB
Drug-Induced Liver Injury MetaADEDB
Dyspepsia ADReCS
Enterobiasis MetaADEDB
Enuresis ADReCS
Epigastric Distress SIDER
Erythema ADReCS
Erythema Multiforme ADReCS
Fatigue ADReCS
Feeling Abnormal ADReCS
Flushing ADReCS
Gastrointestinal Pain ADReCS
Giddiness SIDER
Haematuria ADReCS
Headache ADReCS
Helminthiasis MetaADEDB
Hematuria MetaADEDB
Hepatic Failure ADReCS
Hepatocellular Injury ADReCS
Horse Diseases MetaADEDB
Hydronephrosis MetaADEDB
Hyperglycaemia ADReCS
Hypersensitivity ADReCS
Hypoaesthesia ADReCS
Hypotension ADReCS
Intestinal Diseases Parasitic MetaADEDB
Irritability ADReCS
Jaundice ADReCS
Jaundice Obstructive MetaADEDB
Kidney Calculi MetaADEDB
Kidney Diseases MetaADEDB
Leukopenia ADReCS
Liver Cirrhosis MetaADEDB
Liver Injury ADReCS
Lymphadenopathy ADReCS
Muscular Weakness ADReCS
Nausea ADReCS
Nematode Infections MetaADEDB
Numbness SIDER
Paraesthesia ADReCS
Pruritus ADReCS
Pyrexia ADReCS
Sensory Loss ADReCS
Sicca Syndrome ADReCS
Sjogren Syndrome MetaADEDB
Somnolence ADReCS
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome ADReCS
Strongyle Infections Equine MetaADEDB
Strongyloidiasis MetaADEDB
Tinnitus ADReCS
Urinary Bladder Calculi MetaADEDB
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms MetaADEDB
Urine Odour Abnormal ADReCS
Vision Blurred ADReCS
Visual Acuity Reduced ADReCS
Visual Impairment ADReCS
Vomiting ADReCS
Weakness SIDER
Xanthopsia ADReCS

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database