Drug Information

Drug Name: Pentoxifylline ((6493-05-6))
PubChem ID: 4740
Therapeutic Category:

Computed Drug Properties

This panel provides information on interacting drugs and their ADRs along with references

Interacting drug Toxicity Interaction Type Mechanism Reference

This panel provides drug-protein interaction and their ADRs along with references

Toxicity Interacting Protein Mechanism Reference
Antifibrogenic Action Matrix metalloproteinase (P50281) Incubation with PTF increased the levels of #activated MMP-1# in cell supernatants in both basal and stimulated conditions,suggest that the antifibrogenic action of PTF on human HSCs is mainly mediated by extracellular collagen degradation [ ADR Type 1 ] Effect of pentoxifylline on the degradation of procollagen type I produced by human hepatic stellate cells in response to transforming growth factor-beta
Antifibrogenic Action Metalloproteinase inhibitor 1 (P01033) PTF markedly reduced the expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1) mRNA,suggest that the antifibrogenic action of PTF on human HSCs is mainly mediated by extracellular collagen degradation. [ ADR Type 1 ] Effect of pentoxifylline on the degradation of procollagen type I produced by human hepatic stellate cells in response to transforming growth factor-beta
Endothelial Injury Thrombomodulin (P07204) Concentrations of thrombomodulin (TM) as a marker of endothelial injury [ ADR Type 2 ] Cyclosporine-related encephalopathy following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
Inflammation Interleukin-6 precursor (P05231) PTX induced an up- or a down-regulation (in PMA + PHA or LPS stimulated cells, respectively) for IL-1 and IL-6 release,which plays a key role in inflammation [ ADR Type 5 ] Differential regulation of TNF alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, TNF beta, and IL-10 by pentoxifylline
Inflammation Tumor necrosis factor precursor (P01375) Expression and production of TNF alpha and TNF beta were inhibited by PTX in a dose-dependent manner,which plays a key role in inflammation. [ ADR Type 1 ] Differential regulation of TNF alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, TNF beta, and IL-10 by pentoxifylline
Inhibitory Effect Perforin (P14222) Anti-CD3-activated killer (AK) cell expression of the cytoplasmic granule-associated cytolytic effector molecules granzyme B and perforin was markedly reduced when AK cells were induced in the presence of Pentoxifylline(PTX),PTX thus has a profound inhibitory effect in vitro on the induction of granule-dependent cytolytic effector mechanisms in a mouse model system [ ADR Type 5 ] Pentoxifylline inhibits granzyme B and perforin expression following T-lymphocyte activation by anti-CD3 antibody

This panel provides drug-food interactions and their ADRs along with references

Food Toxicity Reference

This panel provides information on metabolites and their ADRs along with references

Metabolite Toxicity Place of Metabolism Mechanism Reference

This panel provides information on drug category

Toxicity Source

InAADR: Drug-Protein-ADRs database